Wednesday, March 14, 2012

arkansas traveler

What's to be done with a prodigal son?
Fetch him a tall drink of water
But there's none in the cup, cos he drank it all up
Left for a prodigal daughter

- Michelle Shocked, Prodigal Daughter

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

You are the rawest of the raw, the rawest of the raw, the rawest of the raw

Saturday, February 25, 2012

never understand/ never can ignore
I'm rotten to the core/
Since nineteen ninety four

If it makes you happy...

Congratulations. I hope that ring on your finger or the two pink lines on the pregnancy test finally bring you the validation you so desperately seek in a world where you were never quite pretty or cool enough. But I somehow doubt it.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Be still and know that I am
Be still and know
Be still

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

for boy w and girl m

Two years... since my favourite lost her favourite, and the littlest one - the miracle baby - lost his partner in crime. The answers never arrived, so we cleave to the mystery.

We lift our hands up to the sky - our questions in one palm and our pain in the other. We find a way to hold them both at once, because love is big enough to hold the paradox, the divine tension. This is our offering and our remembrance. The pieces of our shattered innocence.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

folie en masse

Our souls are begging for the world to fuck us over. Something deeper in us wants to remember it.... That we are not special at all; we are one of many, a cog in the mystery machine. And it will come as a great relief, to shirk the burden of uniqueness, to find we’re here for something bigger than our facebook profiles.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

"Texas is a state of mind. Texas is an obsession. Above all, Texas is a nation in every sense of the word."
-John Steinbeck