Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hold on to what is good
Even if it is a handful of earth
Hold on to what you believe in
Even if it is a tree which stands by itself
Hold on to what you must do
Even if it is a long way from here
Hold on to your life
Even if it is easier to let go
Hold on to my hand
Even when I have gone away from you

Friday, January 15, 2010

I hope that I am only ever 85% sure of anything

Friday, January 1, 2010

It's cool, baby, and I'm not even there.

I have nothing to give you except for the way I see you. What could I be but other?
The mirror of other.
the magnetic edge of other, which they would call desire.
And cares not for your expectations
Or mine.
But for the incomprehensible.
If we get there, it could be paradise.
If we don't, it can't be helped.
The economy of desire is measurable but not immutable.